Thursday, May 3, 2012

I like Ikea too much

Last weekend Aaron’s brother Ben and sister-in-law-to-be Ashley traveled from the magical land of Muncie, Indiana and graced us with their presence. Revelry and board games abounded, but we mainly partook in just good ol'-fashioned hanging out. I love when they come by since we always have a lot of fun together and they are some of the easiest guests to take care of without a doubt--and they'll watch strange (or awesome?) movies like this one without much hesitation, and Aaron and Ben get into some of the nerdiest conversations I would never otherwise hear. That alone is a fantastic experience.

One thing we did together this weekend was go to Ikea. I, like many others, could be in Ikea for a good 4 hours, end up buying not a lot of anything, and still be as happy as something that's happier than a clam. I came out of there this time not only with a renewed longing for "that kitchen I'll have someday" and a box of cinnamon rolls but also with these great plant containers! BUCKETS!

Whoops! I bought the price tag too!

Awesome herb planter

Gotta love Ikea, like you gotta love fish-shaped ice cubes (thankfully not ice cubes made of fish...!).

1 comment:

  1. Hey, we just found your blog! Aww, we love hanging out with you guys too. :-) Ikea trips with you guys are the best!
